“If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you.” That’s the motto for the state of Michigan. We could adapt that as a motto for our township, “If you seek a pleasant township, look around you.” From the southern shore of Sky Hawk Lake, to the northern shore of Bair Lake, from the western shore of Corey Lake to the eastern shores of Belas and Kirk Lakes, we are fortunate to live in a township with much natural beauty. Besides being Township Supervisor, I have the privilege as a Farmer, to daily observe what we have in Newberg Township. Whether your thing is fishing on some of our small lakes, hiking and hunting on the State owned land, or tubing on the hill at Dr. Lawless Park We have so much to offer here. In the future we hope to share more photos of local scenery.
But, as a Township Board, we are faced with challenges. How can we preserve this rural beauty and still not infringe on individual’s rights? How do we manage the tax money to get the most ‘bang for the buck’ as we receive notice that the cost for road recap has gone up over 6% but on the news we hear that the State is cutting Revenue Sharing to local government units by up to 40%. In the coming months, as time allows, we will use this space to keep you updated on progress on each of these and other issues that come before the Board. But feel free to contact any of your Township Board members and ask questions or give comments.